SOUND YOGA THERAPY with Prema Yoga Institute
to Apr 6

SOUND YOGA THERAPY with Prema Yoga Institute

  • Online and CLM Collective (optional) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sound Yoga Teacher Certification with Prema Yoga Institute

with Jessica, Dana Slamp & Brittany Anderson 

I'm excited to offer up this module once again in Prema Yoga Institute's yoga therapy certification, which I've been co-teaching now for around nine years!

 Learn how sound creates the world - and how to use mantra, music, vibration and rhythm to support the healing process. Review the science of sound therapy, and how we are, by our very nature, vibrational beings. Deepen the strength of and connection to your voice through chanting, toning, and playful exercises.

 You'll be introduced to Himalayan and crystal bowls, tuning forks, chimes, shruti box, harmonium, and more. Leave feeling refreshed and empowered to weave sound into your teaching and practice.

 *This is a required course for YT certification. All curious yogis, teachers, and and health and wellness professionals are welcome to join!*

 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!  $50 OFF through March 21st

**Use Code SOUND2025 at Checkout**


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SOUND SCHOOL Level 2 at Maha Rose Brooklyn
to Jun 8

SOUND SCHOOL Level 2 at Maha Rose Brooklyn

Katie and I are thrilled to return to Maha Rose, this time with a continuation of and deeper dive into sonic practices from our Level I training. We are accepting students who have some knowledge/experience of sound and music and/or who have completed a Mentorship or Level 1 with me and/or Katie. The 3.5-day training will cover basic music theory, playing techniques for percussion, strings, and sound healing instruments, including metal and crystal bowls, Monochords, hand pans, and gongs. 

You will learn how to integrate sound and music in clinical practices using a variety of instruments and voice, with exploration of ethical touch, embodied vocal practices, Deep Listening®, and more, so that you can deepen into your sound practice, and offer richer, more informed sound experiences for yourself and others. CEUs for clinicians may be available depending on your board affiliation.


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SOUND SCHOOL at Maha Rose, Brooklyn NY
to Nov 18

SOUND SCHOOL at Maha Rose, Brooklyn NY

Katie Down and Jessica Caplan, long-time collaborators and co-teachers for Sound School, introduce students to basic theoretical understanding of sound and music in healing practices. Students will learn what the standard and recognized practices and instruments are in sound work and holistic practices using sound and music. Students will also learn how to integrate their voice, rhythm, movement, Deep Listening methods, and specific instrument into a sound experience.

We will impart the importance of understanding the cultural and historical contexts of instruments introduced, as well as the ethical use of traditional, indigenous instruments in sound and other healing practices. We will introduce gentle therapeutic touch and the parameters and ethics of holding therapeutic space for another, when to use touch and when not to, the combination of instruments and sounds to facilitate shifts in consciousness and brainwave states, and the use of our voices to open, connect, and express for optimal wellbeing.

Instruments introduced include Middle Eastern frame drums, West African djembes, shakers, claves, bells, and other small percussion from different traditions, Biosonic tuning forks, Monolina monochords, hand pans, shruti boxes, crystal and metal singing bowls, gongs, and voice.

One of the main threads that connects all the concepts and techniques shared, is the idea of the musical drone as the basis for working in sound - how the musical drone facilitates conscious, psychological, emotional, and physiological shifts, as well as a sense of safety, connection, and grounding. We will work with recognized instruments and techniques in sound healing practices, music therapy, holistic practices and the facilitation of sound baths so that students will come away with a basic understanding of using sound in their personal practice.

Sound School is an experiential, engaging, fun, and welcoming place for creativity, curiosity and compassion. All are welcome!


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Sound and Song: A Voice-Centric Sound Immersion
to Jun 2

Sound and Song: A Voice-Centric Sound Immersion



Exchange: $444-$555

Activate the power and medicine of your unique instrument, your voice, integrated with sound healing. In this immersive weekend of voice and sound with long time practitioners and facilitators Jessica Caplan and Jessica Allen, you’ll explore, play and open yourself to the healing power of your voice and sound. Awaken your channel to receive your own melodies through connecting with the frequency of your heart. This weekend will support the integration of both vocal and sound work into your personal practice as well as being able to weave it into your offerings as a space holder. 

This immersion is open to everyone of all levels of experience.


  • Activating the power of your voice.

  • Learning about sound healing.

  • Cultivating a sound and vocal practice.

  • Integrating sound and voice into your work as a space holder or facilitator.

  • Accessing your voice as a healing tool.

  • Immersing yourself  in a healing weekend of sound and song.

  • Connecting through a heart-centered community.


  • Voice as your first instrument

  • History of sound and singing as healing modalities 

  • Foundations of sound healing

  • How sound works on the mind, body and spirit 

  • Vocal Embodiment 

  • Voice as a tool for nervous system regulation

  • Deep Listening

  • Ancient sound practices and the yoga of sound 

  • Intention & Intuition in space holding

  • Tapping into your own medicine melodies

  • Instruments and playing Techniques 


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Sound Yoga Therapy Training for Prema Yoga Therapeutics - Online
to Apr 10

Sound Yoga Therapy Training for Prema Yoga Therapeutics - Online

Learn how sound creates the world, and how to use mantra, music, vibration and rhythm to support the healing process. Review the science of sound therapy, and how music can improve mental processing. Learn to chant and deepen the strength of and connection to the voice. Apply classic Vedic, Hindu, and Tibetan mantras to group and one-on-one yoga sessions for wellness. You'll be introduced to playing the Himalayan bowls, tuning forks and the Shruti box and harmonium during an optional socially-distanced class in Central Park. Musical instruments are welcome - but not required. This is a required course for YT certification. All curious yogis, teachers, and wellness professionals are welcome to join!

  • Learn Classic chants to support the healing process, ground oneself as teacher, and more

  • Use chants as part of a steading personal practice (or sadhāna)

  • Explore how to interweave sound work into a hatha yoga class

To learn more and sign up, click here

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Sound Yoga Therapy Training for Prema Yoga Therapeutics - ONLINE
to Apr 18

Sound Yoga Therapy Training for Prema Yoga Therapeutics - ONLINE

Immerse yourself in the transformative healing of sound

Learn how sound creates the world, and how to use mantra, music, vibration and rhythm to support the healing process. Review the science of sound therapy, and how music can improve mental processing. Learn to chant and deepen the strength of and connection to the voice. Apply classic Vedic, Hindu, and Tibetan mantras to group and one-on-one yoga sessions for wellness. You'll be introduced to playing the Himalayan bowls, tuning forks and the Shruti box and harmonium during an optional socially-distanced class in Central Park. Musical instruments are welcome - but not required. This is a required course for YT certification. All curious yogis, teachers, and wellness professionals are welcome to join!

  • Learn Classic chants to support the healing process, ground oneself as teacher, and more

  • Using chants as part of a steading personal practice (or sadhāna)

  • How to interweave sound work into a hatha yoga class

To learn more and sign up, click here

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Sound Yoga Therapy Training for Prema Yoga Therapeutics - Now ONLINE with extended EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!
to Apr 19

Sound Yoga Therapy Training for Prema Yoga Therapeutics - Now ONLINE with extended EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!

Immerse yourself in the transformative healing of sound with me and Dana, in our annual 25-hour Sound Yoga Therapy training we’ve been offering since 2015. Learn how sound creates the world, and how to use mantra, music, vibration and rhythm for healing effect. We’ll review the science of sound therapy, and explore how we can harness our own voice and healing instruments to meditate, heal, and expand consciousness. Learn to chant, and the basics of playing harmonium, shruti box, tuning forks, and Himalayan and crystal bowls, while deepening your connection to the voice. Apply classic Vedic, Hindu, and Tibetan mantras to group and one-on-one yoga sessions for a comprehensive list of ailments. Musical instruments are welcome, but not required.

All curious yogis, teachers, and wellness professionals are welcome to join!


Friday | 6 - 8:30pm
Saturday | 10am – 12:30 pm / 1:30 - 5pm
Sunday | 10am – 12:30 pm / 1:30 - 5pm


• 25 hours towards a 300 hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Certification at Pure Yoga

• Required for PYI Yoga Therapy Certification. Email for further information.

Learn more and sign up here

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Sound School Level 1 at Maha Rose
to Mar 1

Sound School Level 1 at Maha Rose

  • Maha Rose Center for Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Katie Down and I are back with our foundational sound healing training at our home away from home, Maha Rose in Brooklyn. This weekend immersion always draws a diverse crowd, ranging from teachers, therapists, healers, musicians, sound engineers, and those simply curious about exploring the world of sound for their own personal practice. All are welcome! This (leap) year, we are also adding an optional Sound Lab on Monday, in which students can integrate their tools and learning from the weekend, refine their skills, and practice techniques together.

Sound School is designed to provide students with tools and inspiration to create their own personal sound practice while employing ethics guidelines and best practices for using sound in a variety of healing modalities. We explore the history, science, and cultural relevance of sound in healing traditions, and expand our capacity for deep listening in meditation and clinical applications. Students have the opportunity to work with traditional sound healing instruments, such as Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, monochords, hand pans, tuning forks, shruti boxes, and more.

Click here for more information and to sign up

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Restorative Yoga Teacher Training w/Abby Paloma at Yoga Vida
to Jan 12

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training w/Abby Paloma at Yoga Vida

As part of Abby Paloma’s 25-hour Restorative Yoga training, I’ll be offering some insights on how to work with sound in the context of Restorative Yoga, and will weave a soundscape into the final practice of the weekend.

If you are feeling the call to slow down, nurture yourself, and learn the art of rest from one of the very best, I highly recommend joining us for this delicious weekend.

Learn more and sign up here

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Sound School Level 1 at Maha Rose
3:00 PM15:00

Sound School Level 1 at Maha Rose

  • Maha Rose Center for Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Katie Down and I are again offering our foundational sound immersion, which gives participants a thorough introduction to the therapeutic use of sound. Weaving together theory, history, and experiential learning, we invite students to explore the voice and different resonant drone instruments for the purpose of healing, connection, and personal transformation.

Students will gain tools and inspiration to create their own personal sound practice while employing ethics guidelines and best practices for using sound in a variety of healing modalities. We will explore the history, science and cultural relevance of sound in healing traditions and expand our capacity for deep listening in meditation and clinical applications. Students will also have the opportunity to use traditional sound healing instruments, such as Himalayan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, monochords, hand pans, tuning forks, shruti boxes, and more.

Maha Rose Sound School Level 1 is open to clinicians, healing arts practitioners, teachers, musicians, bodyworkers, and anyone curious about the power of sound and deep listening to understand and connect with sound as a tool for healing - not only in the context of clinical practice but for creating a personal sound practice in our daily lives.

Monday Sound Lab
In this optional, additional full day of supervised hands-on clinic, students will have the opportunity to integrate the tools and learning from the weekend. Through demo's, dyad and group practice, feedback, and discussion groups, we'll refine skills, and experience the nuances of one-on-one session work. This day is highly recommended for those who wish to bring sound work into their established therapeutic practices, or are looking to offer individual sound sessions.

Level 2 will be offered in June, 2020. Stay tuned for more info!

Learn more and sign up here!

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Weekend Sound Immersion at Stone Wave Yoga
to Oct 27

Weekend Sound Immersion at Stone Wave Yoga

Sound is the primal force, literally the seed of creation. When we learn to work with, explore, and harness the power of vibration, we empower ourselves with tools for our own wellbeing and for the good of others. We become ‘sound’ in mind and body, finely tuned instruments resonating in harmony with our environment and with all beings.

In this weekend workshop, we will deep dive into the power of sound as healing modality, weaving together theory and history with hands-on experiential learning. We will begin by activating our capacities for deep listening, cultivating a heightened awareness of our inner and outer sonic landscapes. The sacred art of listening opens a portal to our highest selves, and to our innate capacity for self- healing. We’ll connect with our first instrument, the voice, as a tool for transformation, manifestation and awakening our intuition, experience sound as energy, and learn how to play traditional sound healing instruments, such as Himalayan and crystal bowls, shruti box, tuning forks, and more. Among the topics explored will be resonance, cymatics, entrainment, the therapeutics of rhythm and drone, vocal toning, and the anatomy of a sound bath. Participants will leave the training with inspiration and tools to create their own personal sound practice, and where applicable, to use sound within their own healing work. Teachers, bodyworkers, yoga instructors, musicians, therapists, healers, and absolutely anyone curious about the power of sound and deep listening are welcome. No musical experience necessary.

The weekend will end with a sound experience by Sacred Sound Ritual - me, Eva Geisler and Sean Hoots - from 7-9pm. This is optional but highly recommended!

More info and register here

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 The Medicine of Emptiness: Restorative Yoga Training at SKY TING YOGA
to Sep 22

The Medicine of Emptiness: Restorative Yoga Training at SKY TING YOGA

  • Sky Ting Yoga Tribeca (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I’ll be offering sound for the final practice and a lecture on working with sound as a complement to Restorative Yoga in my dear friend Abby Paloma’s Restorative Yoga Teacher Training this Fall. 

Restorative Yoga offers therapeutic tools to balance the nervous system in order to truly rest and replenish energy.  States of deep mind and body relaxation are made more accessible through the architecture of restorative poses. Health benefits of a consistent restorative practice include lowered blood pressure and blood sugar levels, reduced insomnia, balanced menstruation, improved digestion, and increased fertility.

This training is open to yoga teachers, health practitioners, and dedicated students. After this training you will be able to skillfully offer your students and private clients a potent and medicinal practice of rest. You will be equipped with knowledge of how to incorporate restorative poses into your own practice and your regular asana classes. When people partake in this peaceful practice, the whole world stands to benefit.

Register here

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Sound School Level 2 at Maha Rose North
to Aug 25

Sound School Level 2 at Maha Rose North

Katie Down and I have been dreaming up this deep sound immersion for a few years now. Open to sound practitioners who have either completed our Sound School Level 1, or who have previous training in sound in the healing arts, it will be offered in retreat style to create a truly immersive experience. This in-depth training will expand practitioners’ connection to sound in therapeutic modalities, covering basic music theory, history, practicum training, ethics and best practices.

Among the topics explored will be intuitive voice work, mantra and the energetics of sound, aesthetics of sound baths, instrument techniques, Mindfulness, and Deep Listening. Several guest teachers (details to be announced very soon) will offer sessions on tuning forks, gong, and basic anatomy for sound practitioners.

Set in the beautiful Hudson Valley, there will also be time for participants to pause and tune into the frequency of nature, hike, swim in a nearby lake, and enjoy delicious vegetarian meals. There will be daily movement and meditation practice to open body and mind for learning, and evening sound experiences to enhance integration. Students will also have the opportunity to practice individual hands-on work, and receive feedback from the facilitators throughout the retreat. We hope you can join us for this transformative five days at Maha Rose North.

Learn more and sign up here

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Sound Yoga Therapy Training at Pure Yoga
to Apr 14

Sound Yoga Therapy Training at Pure Yoga

Immerse yourself in the transformative healing of sound with me and Dana Slamp in this Prema Yoga Institute 25-hour training, our fifth one offered since 2015. Deepen your connection to sound and your own voice, and learn how you can use music and sound for meditation, healing and transformation. You'll bathe in healing vibrations, review the history and science of sound healing, learn to apply mantras for specific ailments, and explore a wide range of sound healing instruments, including Himalayan bowls, shrutti box, tuning forks and harmonium.

Whether you're a yogi, teacher, therapist, musician or simply curious about how you can incorporate more healing sound into your life and practice, this training will offer tools for tuning mind and body.  No previous experience or musical proficiency required. All curious yogis, teachers, and wellness professionals are welcome.

Sign up here

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Sound School at Maha Rose
to Feb 24

Sound School at Maha Rose

Music therapist and longtime sound practitioner Katie Down and I return to Maha Rose for another round of our annual Sound School.  This two-day, 16-hour introductory immersion in sound healing weaves together theory, history, and hands-on experiential learning, taking students on a journey of exploration of the voice and a variety of instruments for the purpose of healing, connection, and personal transformation.

Students will gain tools and inspiration to create their own personal sound practice while employing best practices for using sound in a variety of healing modalities. Students will learn to play traditional sound healing instruments such as Himalayan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, monochords, hand pans, tuning forks, shruti boxes, and more. Teachers, bodyworkers, yoga instructors, musicians, therapists, and anyone curious about the power of sound and deep listening in our daily lives are encouraged to apply.

Sign up here

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Restorative Yoga Training with Abby Paloma at Yoga Vida
5:00 PM17:00

Restorative Yoga Training with Abby Paloma at Yoga Vida

Abby Paloma leads her 25-hour Restorative Yoga training at Yoga Vida, with Ally Bogard and I as guest teachers. Start off the new year delving into the medicine of rest, learning from the best. I'll give a short talk on sound and offer an Intuitive Sound bath as part of the final practice of the weekend.

Learn more and sign up here

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Sound School Retreat at Maha Rose North
to Jul 8

Sound School Retreat at Maha Rose North

Nurture yourself with healing sound and time in nature during this weekend sound immersion, offered for the first time in retreat style and co-led by me and music therapist and sound practitioner Katie Down.

Weaving together theory with hands-on experiential learning, this immersion opens students to an exploration of sound, listening, the voice and instruments used traditionally for healing and transformation. Students will gain tools and inspiration to create their own personal sound practice with guidelines for using sound in a variety of healing modalities.

We'll explore the history, science and cultural relevance of sound in healing traditions and expand our capacity for deep listening in meditation and clinical applications. Students will also learn the basics of using instruments such as Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, Biosonic tuning forks, Indian shruti boxes, and the human voice, as well as less traditional sound healing instruments.

Maha Rose Sound School is open to anyone interested in expanding their connection and understanding of sound as a tool for healing. Teachers, bodyworkers, yoga instructors, musicians, therapists, sound engineers and anyone curious about the power of sound and deep listening in our daily lives are all welcome. No musical proficiency required.

More info and sign up here

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Sound Yoga Therapy Immersion
to Apr 8

Sound Yoga Therapy Immersion

Immerse yourself in the transformative healing of sound with me and Dana Slamp of Prema Yoga Institute. Learn how sound creates the world, and how to use mantra, music, vibration and rhythm for healing effect. Review the science of sound therapy, and how sound and listening can be harnessed as tools for meditation, personal work and general wellbeing. Learn to chant, play harmonium, tuning forks and crystal and Himalayan bowls, and deepen your connection to your very first instrument: your voice. Apply classic Vedic, Hindu, and Tibetan mantras to group and one-on-one yoga sessions for a comprehensive list of ailments. Musical instruments are welcome - not required. All curious yogis, teachers, and wellness professionals are welcome to join!

To learn more and sign up, click here.


Friday | 6pm - 8pm
Saturday | 9am - 6pm
Sunday | 9am - 5pm 

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Sound School at Maha Rose w/me & Katie Down
to Feb 11

Sound School at Maha Rose w/me & Katie Down

Licensed creative arts therapist and sound therapist Katie Down and I co-facilitate our second annual 18-hour training in sound at the cozy Maha Rose in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The weekend immersion into the therapeutic and shamanic use of sound weaves together theory with plenty of hands-on experiential learning, and opens students to an exploration of their own voice and instrument of choice for healing and transformation. We meet Friday 6-9:30pm, Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. 

Sound School is an ideal training for anyone interested in expanding their connection and understanding of sound as a tool for healing; teachers, bodyworkers, yoga instructors, musicians, therapists, and anyone curious about the power of sound and deep listening in our daily lives are welcome. No musical proficiency is required. Curiosity and playfulness are a must!

Sign up here

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Sound Yoga Therapy Immersion
to May 14

Sound Yoga Therapy Immersion

Immerse yourself in the transformative healing vibration of sound with me and Prema Yoga Institute founder Dana Slamp. Learn how sound creates the world, and how to use mantra, music, vibration and rhythm as a tool for healing. We'll review the science of sound therapy, learn to chant, play harmonium, tuning forks and Tibetan bowls, and deepen our connection to our own voice. We'll also apply classic Vedic, Hindu, and Tibetan mantras to group and one-on-one yoga sessions for a comprehensive list of ailments. Musical instruments are welcome, but not required.

All curious yogis, teachers, and wellness professionals are welcome to join!


Friday | 6pm - 9:15
Saturday | 9am - 6pm
Sunday | 9am - 4pm

Sign up here

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Sound School at Maha Rose
to Mar 19

Sound School at Maha Rose

Led by licensed creative arts therapist and sound therapist, Katie Down, and sound practitioner / yoga instructor, Jessica Caplan, this 18-hour training takes place over the course of 6 weeks on consecutive Sundays, giving participants a thorough introduction to the therapeutic and shamanic use of sound. Weaving together theory with hands-on experiential learning, this course will open students to an exploration of their own voice and instrument of choice for healing and transformation.

Students will gain tools and inspiration to create their own personal sound practice with ethics guidelines for using sound in a variety of healing modalities. We will explore the history, science and cultural relevance of sound in healing traditions and expand our capacity for deep listening in meditation and clinical applications. Students will also have the opportunity to use traditional sound healing instruments such as Himalayan singing bowls, Biosonic tuning forks, shruti boxes, drums, rattles, gongs, as well instruments less attributed to sound healing. 

Maha Rose Sound School is open to anyone interested in expanding their connection and understanding of sound as a tool for healing - not only for clients, but for creating our own personal sound practice as teachers, bodyworkers, yoga instructors, musicians, therapists, and anyone curious about the power of sound and deep listening in our daily lives.

No musical proficiency required.

There will also be an optional weekend retreat at the end of the training offered in the Spring at Maha Rose North for those looking to further deepen their sound practice.

For more info and to sign up, click here


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Yoga Sound Therapy Training with Jessica Caplan & Dana Slamp
to Jun 12

Yoga Sound Therapy Training with Jessica Caplan & Dana Slamp

6/10 Fri 6:00pm-9:00pm
6/11 Sat 10am-6:30pm
6/12 Sun 11am-7:30pm

Immerse yourself in the transformative healing of sound in this weekend-long training. Learn how sound creates the world, and how to use mantra, music, vibration and rhythm for healing effect. Review the science of sound therapy, and how music can improve mental processing. Learn to chant, play harmonium, tuning forks and Tibetan bowls, and deepen strength of and connection to the voice. Apply classic Vedic, Hindu, and Tibetan mantras to group and one-on-one yoga sessions for a comprehensive list of ailments. Musical instruments are welcome - not required. All curious yogis, teachers, and wellness professionals are welcome to join!

Click here to sign up

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