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Voice Mentorships

Sonic Embodiment



In Sanskrit breath is called prana, the very life. And what is voice? Voice is breath. If there is anything in life, in the human constitution, that may be called life, it is the breath. And the sound of the voice is breath manifested outwardly.
— Hazarat Inayat Kahn

Why Sonic Embodiment?

The voice is the soul’s expression, the original instrument each of us was born with. When we expand our relationship with the voice through regular, joyful practice – inhabiting breath, tone, sacred sound, and melody – we deepen our relationship to ourselves and forge new pathways between the voice and the heart. We feel more at ease in our breath and our communication. Spirit sings and sounds through us, and we resonate in greater harmony with all of life. 

It is our true nature to connect with our voices this way. Have you ever met a baby who doesn’t shriek, gurgle, coo, purr, or roar? As little ones, we were enedlessly fascinated with every color and texture of sound we could produce. As we got older, many of us were told to be quiet, or not to sing so loudly, or that way, or at all. In one way or another, we were told that our soul’s expression wasn’t totally welcome. And so we contracted into the conditioned voice – a less playful, less risky, and seemingly more palatable version of our expressed selves. Even those of us who identified as singers from a young age, perceived only certain ways of singing as the ‘right way,’ the way that would earn us acceptance and applause. 

I believe that everyone can – and should – sing. It is our birthright. We are, quite literally, sound beings, a tapestry of vibrating cells. When we invite authentic sound to move through us freely, our bodies sing and our spirit flies.

I bring compassion, humor, reverence, spontaneity, playfulness, and above all, love, to the practice of guiding students toward their intuitive voice, and connecting with the soul’s expression through sound.

WHO is sonic embodiment for?

Many of my students are people who already use their voice in their work and practices - spiritual leaders, teachers, therapists, sound practitioners, yoga instructors, and healers - and are looking to empower their lives and work by deepening their relationship to the voice.

Some are already singers or musicians longing to infuse their vocal work with more spiritual depth. Others are beginners, who have always wanted to feel more at home in their voice, and can no longer resist the call to embody their voice.

Do you long for the freedom to express your truth? Do you find yourself hesitating to speak authentically, or holding back from communicating your true desires?
Do you wish you felt more confident and at ease in your voice?
Does your soul long to sing, not just in the shower, but in the presence of others?
Do you sense melodies inside you waiting to be born and sung?
Are you hearing the call to deepen your connection to yourself, your unique sound, and your inner voice?
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Through SONIC EMBODIMENT Voice Mentorships, you will:

Expand the range and strength of your singing/ sounding voice through breath, movement, deep listening, toning, and vocal exercises so that you can express your whole self through your voice.

Identify and release limiting beliefs that keep you from expressing yourself fully so that you can embody your authentic expression.

Work somatically with any trauma you’re holding in your body around being suppressed or quieted in your life, so that you feel relaxed and ready to sound as your whole self.

Aquire tools to work with your voice as a healing modality so that you can balance your nervous system.

Deepen connection with and trust in your voice so you can live in your truest essence.

Learn sounds to open and clear the body’s energetic centers (chakras) so that you can tune yourself.

Develop your own personal sound and voice practice, including a repertoire of songs and chants, so that you can stay connected to your voice always.

Discover how to tap into and sound your heart-songs, so that you can express your true self.

Jessica creates a wonderful and welcoming space where I am able to let go, create, and connect to my own sound. What I really love about the practice is the constant use of imagination and learning different ways and techniques to work with what I feel in the moment. I’ve worked with Jessica for a few years now and I have experienced considerable shifts in my ability to hold space for others and for myself using my voice. She truly is a gifted teacher, always challenging me while also supporting me.
— Alex Radoaca, sound practitioner, retreat leader and herbalist

Sonic embodiment is right for you, if:

You’re a sound practitioner, spiritual leader, teacher, therapist, yoga instructor, or healer who wants to empower your work, life, and relationships with a holistic, fully embodied connection to your voice.

You’ve always wanted to sing but have never felt totally at ease with exploring that part of yourself.

You long to feel more at home in your voice and your communication with others.

You hold a secret desire to share your voice with others and want to move through the blocks of fear and resistance that keep you from that.

You sense a wellspring of music, creativity, and alive-ness inside of you, and you intuit that a guide can help you bring that forward.

You want to explore using your voice as a channel for healing, transformation, and moving emotions and energy.

You don’t quite know why, but a voice inside has been quietly urging you to connect with your voice.

Jessica’s teaching is a gift. Guided by her big heart and rooted in deep study and tradition, she creates space for me to tune into the authentic sound of my voice and to become more and more comfortable hearing it, working with it, and freeing it. Because of her nurturing, calm presence and her clear, insightful feedback, I have been able to release my fears about messing up or ‘sounding bad’ and am finding great joy in playing with this instrument, this oldest instrument of my body. Our work together is deeply meditative, playful, and uplifting, and when I leave our sessions, I feel lighter and more joyful.
— Sara Beck, yoga studio owner and teacher

 Sonic Embodiment Programs


six-month program 

A six-month program that takes you through a rich process of embodying and reclaiming your authentic voice, so that you can come home to the expression that is yours to share.

15 one-hour online sessions over the course of six months

Weekly Home-Play customized for you: voice + sound practices, meditations, deep listening explorations, audio and video content 

Regular Check-Ins via voice memo with feedback offered within two days 


three-month program

A three-month program that guides you toward reawakening the connection to your own unique vocal expression.

8 one-hour online sessions for 3 months

Weekly Home-Play customized for you: voice + sound practices, meditations, deep listening explorations 

Regular Check-Ins via voice memo with feedback offered within two days


Have any questions about the sonic embodiment programs?

Want to feel into how it would be to work together?

I’d love to hear from you!

And don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for updates!


kind words, from dear souls…


“I took voice sessions with Jessica at a very vulnerable phase of my life, when I felt lost, and I had lost my voice. Her lessons were a space to reconnect with myself. As soon as I sat down, her calm and loving presence allowed me to feel absolutely safe and cared for. I could dive deep into the depths of my emotions and give them a voice, a way to let them out and express themselves, the way they wanted to express, without any judgements or agendas. The process allowed me to trust again in myself: to honor my emotions, honor my process, honor myself. If I have to describe Jess's work I would say it is an opportunity to connect deeply with your soul and in that sense find and express your most beautiful and truest voice.”

Natalie Zuniga, non-profit educator

“The exercises Jessica teaches are simple yet powerful. I'm more aware and connected to myself, my voice, and the world. Since working with Jessica, I have been more aware of the constriction in my voice and how I use my voice. Before working with her, it was like I was speaking or singing into a box, but now the ceiling has lifted, and I've relaxed a lot. After my sessions with Jessica, I always feel light and expansive. It has been an excellent way for me to shut out the outside world and dive into the moment more. I love that I can do the exercises almost anywhere and even include my four-year-old son.”

Claudia Whitney, life coach and yoga teacher


